CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 16
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 16 (1997-10-16)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-11].iso
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/* Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
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Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
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License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
all copies.
/* gdevbbox.h */
/* Interface to bounding box device */
/* Requires gxdevice.h */
* This device keeps track of the per-page bounding box, and also forwards
* all drawing commands to a target. It isn't normally a free-standing
* device, but it's used as a component (e.g., by the EPS writer).
* To set up a bounding box device that doesn't do any drawing:
* gx_device_bbox *bdev =
* gs_alloc_struct_immovable(some_memory,
* gx_device_bbox, &st_device_bbox,
* "some identifying string for debugging");
* gx_device_bbox_init(bdev, NULL);
* Non-drawing bounding box devices have an "infinite" page size.
* To set up a bounding box device that draws to another device tdev:
* gx_device_bbox *bdev =
* gs_alloc_struct_immovable(some_memory,
* gx_device_bbox, &st_device_bbox,
* "some identifying string for debugging");
* gx_device_bbox_init(bdev, tdev);
* Bounding box devices that draw to a real device appear to have the
* same page size as that device.
* To intercept the end-of-page to call a routine eop of your own:
* dev_proc_output_page(eop); -- declare a prototype for eop
* bdev.std_procs.output_page = eop;
* ...
* int eop(gx_device *dev, int num_copies, int flush)
* { gs_rect bbox;
* gx_device_bbox_bbox((gx_device_bbox *)dev, &bbox);
* << do whatever you want >>
* return gx_forward_output_page(dev, num_copies, flush);
* }
#define gx_device_bbox_common\
/* The following are updated dynamically. */\
gs_fixed_rect bbox;\
gx_color_index white
typedef struct gx_device_bbox_s {
} gx_device_bbox;
#define public_st_device_bbox() /* in gdevbbox.c */\
gs_public_st_suffix_add0_final(st_device_bbox, gx_device_bbox,\
"gx_device_bbox", device_bbox_enum_ptrs, device_bbox_reloc_ptrs,\
gx_device_finalize, st_device_forward)
/* Initialize a bounding box device. */
void gx_device_bbox_init(P2(gx_device_bbox *dev, gx_device *target));
/* Read back the bounding box in 1/72" units. */
void gx_device_bbox_bbox(P2(gx_device_bbox *dev, gs_rect *pbbox));